Head of Accounting Services of Legal Bridge and a practicing tax adviser
Tel. +7 (495) 287-73-94

Head of the Legal Department
Tel. +7 (495) 287-73-94
Who for?
International companies and Russian companies operating within the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. As well as Foreign companies operating in Russia.
For what purpose?
In order to, at any time be able to receive help from highly skilled professionals on complex issues and the ongoing work, as opposed to trusting less highly qualified specialist for less money.
What services are included in the package?
Selection of optimal taxation system and the legal form;
Written and oral advice on taxation and accounting;
Information support for changes in tax legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account your circumstances;
Identification of potential tax risks and financial accounting errors, evaluation skills of accounting;
Support for a tax audit;
Examination of contracts for tax risks;
Statement of the separate account for VAT on exports;
Effective implementation of agreements on avoidance of double taxation;
Consulting support of export-import operations;
Production of the outlines of activities of foreign representative offices and branches on the territory of the Russian Federation;
Construction outlines of holding companies, including foreign companies;
International tax planning.
Preparation of accounting policy, taking into account the specifics of your business:
Preparation and verification of accounting policies in the branches located in Russia and abroad in accordance with international financial reporting standards and the preparation and verification of the consolidated accounting policies;
Statements of accounting for separate divisions (Outline that includes recommendations on consolidation and recommendations on the management of documents between various divisions)
Statements of registration of foreign representative offices and branches in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Legal Support:
Counseling with questions concerning arbitration procedural law;
Consulting support to represent the interests of an individual or company in international courts;
Advice on organizing activities of foreign companies in Russia;
Consulting on questions of customs legislation;
Advice on the use of foreign labor;
Support concerning the foreign trade (including consulting support and drafting of models of foreign trade contracts);
Consultations in the field of currency legislation;
Participation in negotiations with lawyers of foreign partners;
Advising on civil law;
Advice on the interaction with the state regulatory agencies;
Contract work — the formation of standard contracts and related documents;
Consulting support concerning real estate transactions;
Typical handing of complaints with contractors to repay debts;
Counseling on questions concerning antimonopoly legislation
Advice on the application of the regional legislation of the Russian Federation;
Preparation of forms of standard documents for HR administration;
Handling complaints (including reducing the risks of conflicts with staff and labor inspection);
Check counterparties on the subject of «bad faith» using a special technique;
Counseling in order to ensure the regime of trade secrets.
Support 1C:
Technical advice on the use of the program 1C 7.7 and 8
What does the customer get in the end?
Comprehensive legal support in dealing with complex issues, tax optimization, efficient accounting policies of the parent company and branches / representative offices, assistance in resolving conflicts with tax authorities and other state regulatory agencies. And finally, assistance in resolving conflicts with debtors.
What is the cost?
3 000 € rubles per quarter, for 90 hours of consultation